
How Often Should You Water Orchids?

How Often Should You Water Orchids?
How often should you water orchids?

Watering orchids can be a tricky task, as these delicate plants have specific needs when it comes to hydration. Overwatering or under watering can lead to the death of an orchid, so it's important to understand the proper watering techniques to keep your orchids healthy and thriving.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when watering orchids is to never leave them sitting in water. Orchids need well-draining soil or potting mix to prevent root rot, which can occur when the roots are left sitting in water for too long. Instead, it is best to water orchids by submerging the pot in a container of water, allowing the potting mix to soak up the water it needs, and then removing the pot from the water.

Another important factor to consider when watering orchids is the frequency of watering. This will vary depending on the type of orchid and the environment in which it is grown. For example, orchids that are grown indoors will need to be watered less frequently than orchids that are grown outdoors, as the humidity levels and temperature are generally more consistent indoors. In general, orchids should be watered once a week, or when the potting mix is starting to dry out.

Never leave orchids sitting in water.

It's also important to remember that orchids need a balance of moisture and air flow to their roots. Therefore, after watering orchids, it's essential to let the potting mix dry out slightly before watering again. This allows the roots to breathe and prevents rot and fungal growth.

During the growing season, it's also a good idea to fertilize orchids with a balanced fertilizer formulated specifically for orchids. This will provide them with the nutrients they need to thrive.


In summary, watering orchids can be a tricky task, but by understanding the proper techniques and providing the right balance of moisture and air flow, you can keep your orchids healthy and thriving. Remember to never leave orchids sitting in water, water them once a week or when the potting mix is starting to dry out, and let the potting mix dry out slightly before watering again. And don't forget to fertilize your orchids during the growing season.